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Showing posts from April, 2019

Taking Stock Week 13

Planning to do the majority of my reading early in this week to leave more of a buffer at the end of the week.  With work taking up more than the usual amount of time this past week, I did not accomplish as much as I had planned.

Weekly Review Week 13

How did the reading go for you this week? What struck you the most in this week's reading? Were there ideas you struggled with?       Didn't read as much as I wanted to this week.  Work has been super busy so I will need to extend some of my scheduled reading this coming week in order to finish. Where did you do your best writing this week — in this class? In another class?  Have you discovered some good strategies for helping yourself focus on writing for this class?     My best writing this week was in my theatre class.  We had to write several pieces and discussion topics. Did you read something excellent written by someone else in the class? What made it stand out to you?       I read several posts from classmates this week and commented on several either for project planning or reading notes they took on books I am not reading for my project.  It's interesting to read about the other options people c...

Growth Mindset Week13

" Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out" Success is really all about determination and perseverance.  It may be difficult at times so breaking a large goal into smaller more realistic goals, it keeps one on track to accomplishing the larger goals by continually making progress.

Taking Stock, Week 12

     I have gone through all recent announcements to make sure I am up to date in what is going on with the course and expectations of us as scholars.  I do think I may have accidentally submitted a "quiz" for future weeks when trying to select them for the current week we are in so I will need to double check that I have not submitted something for work I have not yet completed.

Weekly Review Week 12

     This week there was a lot going on for me at work and in personal life and I let that all get the better of me.  I lost my focus on some of my school work and need to refocus and get back on track.  Tomorrow I have time set aside to make a plan for the week and schedule accordingly.  Work will be settling down slightly which will allow for other priorities to be taken care of.  The biggest struggle for me this semester is finding the balance between work and school when work demands so much of my time and limits time allowed for other priorities. 

Growth Mindset Theory Week

Challenge 3: The student quote I chose was: POWER THROUGH Putting your head down and powering through to the end is the best way to accomplish your task. This could apply to work, sports and so on. Always make sure you put your head down and power through whatever obstacle is in your way for you to achieve what you had set out to do: break that wall down! This has been especially relevant to me as of late. I have allowed obstacles to stand in my way for one reason or another. I am trying hard to remind myself to stay focused on the reasons why I am doing what I'm doing in order to keep myself motivated to finish.

Weekly Review, Week 11

 How did the reading go for you this week? What struck you the most in this week's reading? Were there ideas you struggled with?     Readings this week were interesting. I chose to do my Wikipedia Trail starting with Eldridge Cleaver and dug a little more in depth regarding some of the specifics of incidents leading to his involvement in the Black Panther Party and influence. Where did you do your best writing this week — in this class? In another class?  Have you discovered some good strategies for helping yourself focus on writing for this class?      My favorite writing this week was for one of my History classes.     Did you read something excellent written by someone else in the class? What made it stand out to you?       I read several posts from classmates this week and commented on several either for project planning or introductions I had not yet read.  It was interesting to see all the diff...

Week 11 Reading Notes A

Eldridge Cleaver imprisoned by 22 for assault influenced by Malcolm X while in prison, drawn to violent nature of the Black Panther party as it merged black socialism with nationalism 1968 Soul on Ice - NY Times book of the year lived in exile, returned to US and wrote Soul on Fire members of Black Panther party often targeted by police "justifiable homicide" involved in a shootout in Oakland where a police officer was wounded and 17 year old Bobby Hutton was killed, picked up on parole and revoked