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Showing posts from February, 2019

Reading Notes A Week 5

Maria Amparo Ruiz De Burton 1832-1894 Met Henry Burton of US Army in July 1847 As  a condition of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hiladgo in 1848, 480 Baja Californians were shipped off to Monterey 16 year old Maria and her mother 1849 married Burton Burton contracted malaria in the Civil War and died in 1869 Maria wrote "Who Would Have Thought It" in 1872 parody historical romance The Squatter and the Don 1885 was the first novel by a Mexican American woman - expose of the common practice of land "squatting" Squatter's Sovereignty on the wane and the squatter vote was no longer in power William Darrel believed land belonged to the US and wanted to take it back cattle killed or stolen, laws do not protect original owner state legislators make laws to protect agriculture but not cattle "land commission" established to examine land titles during litigation, rightful owners paid taxes on land being cultivated while the titles were in court

Literary Analysis Week 5

Joaquin Miller      In his writing, Joaquin speaks about the ocean and atmosphere around him in California including the Sierras and the snow beyond.  He seems to be taken aback by the majesty of the area.  He speaks of the ocean and the mines and the opportunities that lie within for the miners and opportunities for trade across the sea.  The opportunities that await all those that venture there.  The way he describes the ocean it's as if he is using it as a metaphor for the endless opportunities he sees in California during this time period.  Being somewhat of a blank slate, so to speak, the opportunity to build a life would be up to those brave enough to make the journey.  The lives they choose to create out of this environment would be completely up to them and how they wish their lives to be.  This no doubt had some influence in his decision to return to California and make his home in the Oakland Hills after traveling abr...

Reading Notes Week 5

Ambrose Bierce 1842-1914? California works: 3 voices. Psychological trauma in war, dark comic satirist, investigative reporter  Traveled to DC to expose railroad corruption  Crossed the border in 1914 to join Mexican revolution  “Machine: any instrument or organization by which pose is applied and made effective, or a desired effect produced. Well then, is not man a machine?”   Life is a definite combination of heterogeneous changes, both simultaneous and successive in correspondence with external co-existences and sequences  Consciousness is the creature of Rhythm.  Endless variety and excitement of philosophical thought

Reading Notes B Week 4

Bayard Taylor 1825-1878 Man of letters, poet, novelist, travel writer, author 1849 journalist sent to cover the Gold Rush Four and half months in California returned to New York and book was in stores by 1850 "San Francisco by Day and Night" wakes to sounds of building 6:30 breakfast all hammering ceases 9 full flow of business 2 dinner "seated on the slopes of its three hills, the tents pitched among the chapparal to the very summits, it gleams like an amphitheatre of fire." (Bayard Taylor 145) "the word waiter is not considered sufficiently respectful, seeing that the "waiter" may have been a lawyer or merchant's clerk a few months before. T'tcetsa Lucy Young 1846-1944 Born near Alderpoint in Humboldt County  Father was Alderpoint Wailaki and her mother was cousin to a Lassik chief In 1930's shared her story with Edith Van Allen Murphey-friend and botanist Lucy's Story from Out of the Past: A True In...

Reading Notes Week 4

Sarah Eleanor Royce April 1849 left Council Bluffs Iowa with 2 year old daughter Settled in Grass Valley "Pilgrimage Diary" writings became A Frontier Lady "A Frontier Lady" camped near Col J and his men for protection Oct 21 2 arrows fired at men sleeping in neighboring camp by the fire Oct 24 reached "Pleasant Valley Gold Mines" rested 2-3 days, continued to Weaverville Husband struck up partnership to open a store Beef added to items for purchase "This gave me an opportunity to see most of the dwellers in Weaverville; and observe in a small way their behavior to each other.  The majority of them were, as I have said, men of ordinary intelligence, evidently accustomed to life in an orderly community where morality and religion bore sway...Even in their intercourse with each other, they often alluded to this feeling and in the presence of a woman, then so unusual, most of them showed it in a very marked manner...Roughly reared fro...

Be A Mirror: Give Readers Feedback That Fosters Growth Mindset

    Growth Mindset      Mindset is defined as "the beliefs they carry about their own abilities."   A mindset can be molded, altered and changed.  Praise plays a large role in a mindset and praising different behaviors or attributes will result in different outcomes.       The difference between a growth mindset and a fixed mindset, is that a growth mindset realizes there is a learning process and all abilities, intelligence etc. are part of this process.  A fixed mindset is static.  When giving feedback through a growth-based lens it is similar to "being a mirror."  Reflect back to the writer what the process was that they took instead of trying to analyze the writing itself.        The biggest piece of this I found interesting is to remove yourself from the feedback piece.  It says to phrase your feedback in a way that says "when you..." vs "I think..."   This removes th...


Hello Everyone,    My name is Rhiannon Pinson.  This will be my second semester at LMC as a Journalism major.  I am currently working full time as a restaurant General Manager and taking 19 units online.  I was born and mostly raised in California (lived a short period in Washington).  I have lived in several places in California including Santa Barbara and Martinez but now live in Brentwood.  We visited Seattle in Spring last year and seriously considered moving back to the state of Washington after this visit.      I am one of 3 children.  I have an older brother and a younger brother.  I have a daughter, three nieces, three nephews, and two cats.     I appreciate reading a variety of books but my favorite series is still "Harry Potter".  "Memoirs of a Geisha", and "The Help", are also in my top 5.  I enjoy watching baseball and hockey.  My favorite teams are the San Francisco Giants and th...