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Hello Everyone,

   My name is Rhiannon Pinson.  This will be my second semester at LMC as a Journalism major.  I am currently working full time as a restaurant General Manager and taking 19 units online.  I was born and mostly raised in California (lived a short period in Washington).  I have lived in several places in California including Santa Barbara and Martinez but now live in Brentwood.  We visited Seattle in Spring last year and seriously considered moving back to the state of Washington after this visit. 
    I am one of 3 children.  I have an older brother and a younger brother.  I have a daughter, three nieces, three nephews, and two cats. 
   I appreciate reading a variety of books but my favorite series is still "Harry Potter".  "Memoirs of a Geisha", and "The Help", are also in my top 5.  I enjoy watching baseball and hockey.  My favorite teams are the San Francisco Giants and the San Jose Sharks.  
   I also love Broadway musicals.  Whenever possible, I go see productions on tour in the area.  We recently went to San Francisco to see "Dear Evan Hansen" and have tickets to see "Hamilton" in March.  I have had the opportunity to see "Wicked", "Rent", "Les Miserables", "Phantom of the Opera", "My Fair Lady", "The Lion King" and "Fiddler on the Roof". At some point in my life,  I would like to see "Chicago", "Beauty and the "Beast", "The Book of Mormon", "The Producers" and "Hairspray".   Movie adaptations are never the same as the live production but offer another element of entertainment.
  When it comes to movies, I typically stay away from musicals unless it's a Disney movie.  Otherwise, it's normally a comedy or action film.  My favorite bands include Green Day, Linkin Park, The Used, Senses Fail and My Chemical Romance.  


  1. I'm surprised that you're taking 19 units. Even if those are online classes, it may be hard with all the homework and stuff. I'm taking 12 units and I'm getting crazy already, so I can imagine that you may be struggling, too.
    I'm happy to know that you also like Harry Potter. I'd read the books 6-7 years ago but I still love them. I am a Ravencaw! What house do you belong to? I'm also amazed that you've been to all those musicals. That's incredible! I have a friend who's completely crazy about musicals, too. Especially the Phantom of the Opera. I bet you guys would talk for hours about them haha

  2. Hey there Rhiannon. Wow, 19 units?? that is so awesome for you! I have previously taken 17 units and it was very hectic, however, I honestly don't think it is as bad as some people make it out to be. It can be really helpful to knock out units that are required to graduate or transfer, and if you aren't working, it is definitely possible. I hope your major in journalism goes well, good luck on your 19 units!

  3. Hey there Rhiannon,

    Thank you for visiting my profile.

    I was shocked seeing that you're a General Manager, a mother, and a full-time student with 19 units! Your perseverance and resilience are very motivating, especially your major is journalism! These days, we (general public) can't distinguish fake news from the truth, and knowing that someone like you is here to give us a better view of the world makes this life more coherent.

    Harry Potter helped me get through my pain of losing someone. So, after all this time? Always.
    I love comedy-drama more than romantic-comedy. I'm not sure if it falls under action, but I like crime shows, too, right now I'm getting distracted from work and school because I'm binge-watching Law and Order: SVU. If you ever want to watch anime I suggest starting with Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.

    Good luck in your studies.

    Nice to meed you,

  4. Hi Rhiannon, it's amazing that you are taking 19 units as well as working full time. I have taken 15 units and felt I like I was going crazy and didn’t have enough time to finish the work. I also enjoy watching comedy movies although my favorite movies are either action or horror movies. One of my favorite books and movies was also Harry Potter. Best of luck with all your classes this semester!

  5. Hello Rhiannon! I am surprised that you are majoring in Journalism, it sounds very interesting! I once thought about becoming a journalist but my passion just wasn't there but I am happy that you are going for it, and also I am impressed withe the fact that you are a full time student and are working full time as well. That takes a lot of courage and discipline, I'm happy for you.

  6. Hi Rhiannon! 19 units.... You must be very good at time management, it a lot to be a mother, work full time and take that many units. I have taken my daughter to watch the Aladdin and Lion King musicals and loved them. Last weekend I took her to see Bring it On at Liberty and it was so good. Edna Hill Middle School has the High School Musical showing for three weekends in April, my daughter is in two of the cast. The middle school puts on a great performance, if you have time to see it. Good luck this semester.

  7. Hi Rihannon,
    I too like you am taking lots of units this semester. I am at 22, which is still a lot of work like your 19. I personally love hockey as well, go Sharks! I too live in Brentwood, I've been here for 20 years. You're lucky you got to move out and explore new areas, I am planning to move soon to somewhere new as well.


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