Gertrude Atherton 1857-1948
- Wrote 50 books between 1888 and 1946
- 18 volume chronicle of Northern California life from 1840 to WWII
- best works were novels hat captured privileged and middle class life in SF in 1890-1910
- San Francisco "a fool's paradise'
- "It was the first time she had seen poverty; she had barely heard of its existence; it had never occurred to her that great romanticists condescended to borrow from life." 314
- "Even in that awful moment, it was her father she feared, not the law" 315
- "The sergeant recognized the great I AM of the American maiden; he also recognized her social altitude."
- "She hated her father and she hated life with an intensity which added to her misery, and she decided that she had made her last confession to any one but the priest, who always forgave her," 320
- 1890-1914 articles and stories in national magazines as "Sui Sin Far" a brave declaration
- "In the land of the Free" human toll on exclusionary practices against Chinese immigrants
- Boy taken from parents on re-entry to California because they could not "prove" he was theirs
- Baby was taken from the parents and they were told they had to wait for approval from the government before their baby could be returned to them
- Ten months passed before they were given approval to retrieve him, son did not recognize nor want his mother as he had become accustomed to his new environment
- one of first versed in two cultures to arrive in california
- 1896 made his way to Juaquin Miller and Miller became his mentor
- pivotal in Californian poetry
- Joaquin Miller "sennin" hermit who lived on dews
- "Silence, love-and simplicity" 334
- "and the true poetry is not in writing, but in the union with nature" 334
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